CBD during pregnancy or breastfeeding

Is CBD During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding Safe?

CBD risk pregnancy breastfeeding

Pregnant or breastfeeding women often have doubts about consuming cannabidiol (CBD) products. However, more and more people claim that CBD helps relieve symptoms of pregnancy, such as nausea and pain, or postpartum depression while breastfeeding. But is the consumption of CBD really safe?

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in cannabis. It does not contain THC, the psychoactive substance in cannabis. CBD is popular for its potential therapeutic effects and more and more people are using it to relieve various conditions like anxiety, postpartum depression, period pain and muscle spasms. Pregnant women and nursing mothers may logically wonder if it is safe to consume CBD.

The different types of CBD products

  • Huile de CBD

CBD oil is extracted from the flowers and leaves of hemp, then diluted in a carrier oil (like olive or coconut oil) to make it easier to consume. It can be used sublingually (by putting a few drops under the tongue) or added to foods and drinks.

pregnancy cbd oil
  • CBD cosmetics

CBD cosmetics are becoming increasingly popular as they provide a natural alternative to the harmful chemicals found in some conventional cosmetics. CBD creams, gels, and oils can be applied directly to the skin to relieve various skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis.

  • CBD flowers

CBD flowers are usually smoked or vaporized, but they can also be used to make infusions or tinctures.

CBD during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy is a time of great change for a woman's body. The endocannabinoid system plays an important role in regulating many bodily functions.

CBD while breastfeeding

Although CBD is considered quite safe, there is not yet enough research to confirm these effects in pregnant women or breastfeeding women. Animal research suggests that CBD may have potential therapeutic effects. However, studies on humans are limited. Additionally, most studies on CBD have been conducted on healthy adults. There are not yet many studies on the effects of CBD in pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Therefore, it is important to speak with your doctor before using CBD products while pregnant or breastfeeding. 

The Risks of CBD During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding

The potential risk of CBD is its interaction with other medications. CBD can interact with certain medications, which can increase or decrease their effectiveness or cause unwanted side effects. If you are on medication, always consult your doctor before consuming CBD.

CBD during pregnancy

Despite these potential benefits, it is important to note that scientific data on the effects of CBD during pregnancy and breastfeeding is still limited. In addition, most studies on the subject have been carried out on animals. Always consult your doctor before using CBD products during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Can CBD be consumed during pregnancy or breastfeeding?

CBD is increasingly being used in the treatment of a variety of conditions, including reducing the effects of anxiety, pregnancy pain (pelvic pain, back pain) and muscle spasms. The consumption of CBD during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not without risk, as it can pass into breast milk and affect the development of the baby. It is important to consult a doctor before consuming CBD if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Is CBD legal in France?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in cannabis. Although CBD is considered a psychoactive substance, it does not produce the euphoric effects and high associated with cannabis use. More and more people are using CBD for its therapeutic effects.

CBD hemp plant

In France, CBD is legal if it is extracted from industrialized hemp. Industrialized hemp is a plant that contains less than 0,2% THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive substance in cannabis. CBD can therefore be extracted from this plant without fear of breaking the law.



What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis. It is one of the most abundant cannabinoids in cannabis plants and does not cause psychoactive effects.

Is CBD Safe During Pregnancy?

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid consuming CBD as it has not been studied enough in these populations. Additionally, CBD can potentially interact with certain medications prescribed during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Can CBD relieve pregnancy symptoms?

Some pregnant women use CBD to relieve nausea and vomiting, but there isn't enough research yet to confirm its effectiveness.

Can CBD relieve breastfeeding symptoms?

Some women use CBD to relieve breastfeeding symptoms, such as breast pain and engorgement, but there isn't enough research on the subject yet.

Does CBD have any additional contraindications?

CBD is well known for its soothing and pain relieving effects. However, it remains a molecule that has contraindications, including pregnancy as we have just seen, but not only. 

A first contraindication cbd is if you have liver problems such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatic steatosis. Indeed, the liver is the organ that will metabolize CBD. If you suffer from liver disease, it will have difficulty metabolizing CBD, which could weaken it further.

The second contraindication to taking CBD is if you are already taking other medicines. Indeed, the CBD molecule can interact with certain active ingredients of drugs and either decrease their effectiveness, increase it, or even cancel it. In both cases it can have serious consequences. You must be particularly vigilant if you are taking, among other things, anticoagulants, anxiolytics, antidepressants, immunosuppressants, anticonvulsants. Thus, it is highly recommended discuss with your doctor before taking CBD, regardless of the treatment you are taking

You now know all about the contraindications of CBD and why you should consult before taking it!

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