Let's Talk About Periods Without Taboo | Oduho Blog

How To Talk To Your Daughter About Periods

How To Talk To Your Daughter About Periods

Many of us parents don't discuss periods enough with our daughters because we just don't know how to go about it. But talking about first period your...

How To Talk To Your Daughter About Periods

Many of us parents don't discuss periods enough with our daughters because we just don't know how to go about it. But talking about first period your...

Causes and Natural Treatments of Heavy Menstruation

The Causes and Natural Treatments For Reg...

Between premenstrual syndrome (PMS), period cramps or pain, and the various other inconveniences caused by periods, it's often a tricky time for many women. Heavy periods are...

The Causes and Natural Treatments For Reg...

Between premenstrual syndrome (PMS), period cramps or pain, and the various other inconveniences caused by periods, it's often a tricky time for many women. Heavy periods are...

Period Panties For Diaper Return (Postpartum)

Period Panties For Back Neck...

Postpartum bleeding is a natural and unavoidable side effect of childbirth, whether you gave birth vaginally or by caesarean section. The good news is that this is totally normal...

Period Panties For Back Neck...

Postpartum bleeding is a natural and unavoidable side effect of childbirth, whether you gave birth vaginally or by caesarean section. The good news is that this is totally normal...

Say Goodbye to Disposable Sanitary Pads

Say Goodbye to Disposable Sanitary Pads

Period Panties are still a fairly recent means of protection but very quickly made popular in the face of the many health problems caused by tampons or sanitary napkins. A lot...

Say Goodbye to Disposable Sanitary Pads

Period Panties are still a fairly recent means of protection but very quickly made popular in the face of the many health problems caused by tampons or sanitary napkins. A lot...

the benefits of period panties

5 Good Reasons to Wear Period Panties

Period Panties are an ecological and economical alternative to the hygienic protections that we all know (sanitary pads, tampons or cups). Discreet, healthy and finally affordable, period panties...

5 Good Reasons to Wear Period Panties

Period Panties are an ecological and economical alternative to the hygienic protections that we all know (sanitary pads, tampons or cups). Discreet, healthy and finally affordable, period panties...

What Solutions To Relieve Cramps And Painful Periods?

What Solutions To Relieve Cramps And ...

More than half of menstruating women experience menstrual pain each month. These pains, similar to cramps, occur when your uterus contracts to get rid of...

What Solutions To Relieve Cramps And ...

More than half of menstruating women experience menstrual pain each month. These pains, similar to cramps, occur when your uterus contracts to get rid of...

The articles on the site contain general information which may contain errors. These articles should in no way be considered as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any questions or doubts, always make an appointment with your doctor or gynecologist.

Our period panties