manage unbearable menstrual pain

How to deal with unbearable period pain?

Rules are not always easy to manage. Unbearable period pain is a common health problem among women. Symptoms are usually as follows: severe abdominal pain, menstrual cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache and fatigue. Unbearable period pain can be caused by many factors, including endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine fibroids, stress and hormonal disordersFortunately, there are solutions to relieve the pain.

What causes unbearable period pain?

The period pain are usually caused by uterine contractions that take place during menstruation. The uterus contracts to expel menstrual tissue and this can cause abdominal pain. Uterine contractions are controlled by the hormones progesterone and estrogen. In some women, these hormones are out of balance and can cause stronger and more frequent uterine contractions, which can lead to more severe pain.

menstrual pain what to do

Other factors can also contribute to unbearable period pain. Anatomic abnormalities, such as a prolapsed uterus or endometriosis, can lead to more intense pain because they can compress nerves or blood vessels. Inflammations, such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, can also cause abdominal pain. Finally, infections, such as endometriosis or salpingitis, can also cause pelvic pain.

Unbearable menstrual pain can be very debilitating and impact quality of life. They can interfere with work, studies and social activities. Many women find it difficult to manage their pain and need medication to relieve their symptoms. In some cases, period pain can be so intense that it requires hospitalization.

What are the symptoms of unbearable period pain?

Symptoms of unbearable period pain can include severe abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, chills, fever, and feeling extremely tired. Women with unbearable period pain may also experience irritability and increased sensitivity to sounds and lights despite using Period Panties. Fortunately, there are several ways to relieve pain and reduce symptoms.

Symptoms of unbearable period pain are:

  • Intense abdominal pain
  • Lower back pain
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • migraines
  • Extreme fatigue

Period pain, what to do?

During menstruation, the blood vessels in the uterus expand and contract to evacuate blood. These contractions can cause abdominal cramps and pain in the lower back and pelvis. Most women experience moderate menstrual pain, but some experience more severe, sometimes even incapacitating pain. It is estimated that 8 to 20% of women of childbearing age suffer from dysmenorrhea, or painful periods.

Primary dysmenorrhea is the most common type and usually occurs as soon as menstruation begins. Secondary dysmenorrhea is less common and can be caused by a gynecological disease or disorder, such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids.

Symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea may include:

  • intense abdominal cramps
  • lower back and pelvic pain
  • nausea and/or vomiting
  • diarrhea or constipation
  • tiredness
  • headaches
  • increased irritability
  • difficulty sleeping

How to relieve painful periods?

Period pain is a common problem for women, and can be very debilitating. Fortunately, there are ways to ease period pain.

The first step to relieving period pain is to understand what happens during the menstrual cycle. Periods occur when the endometrium, the inner layer of the uterus, is rejected. This happens approximately every 28 days, when the egg is not fertilized.

relieve menstrual pain

Abdominal cramps are often caused by contraction of the muscles of the uterus during endometrial rejection. These contractions can be brought on by high levels of a hormone called prostaglandin. Prostaglandins are produced in response to inflammation, and can increase nerve sensitivity and cause muscle spasms.

There are several ways to relieve period pain. The first is to take a pain reliever like ibuprofen or paracetamol. These drugs work by reducing the production of prostaglandins, which relieves muscle spasms and abdominal cramps. It is important to take these medications at the first onset of pain, before symptoms worsen.

Antispasmodics can also be taken to relieve menstrual cramps. These drugs work by relaxing the uterine muscles and reducing contractions. They can be taken before the onset of symptoms or during the symptoms themselves.

Other ways to relieve period pain include applying heat to your stomach, taking a hot bath, or doing a lower back and abdominal massage. Physical therapy can also help reduce pain by relaxing uterine muscles and reducing muscle spasms.

How to prevent unbearable period pain?

In order to prevent unbearable period pain, it is important to follow a few simple tips. First, you should avoid foods that can irritate your stomach or increase cramps, such as fried foods, spices, coffee, and chocolate. You should also drink plenty of water and fruit juice to stay hydrated and avoid constipation during this time. Also, it is recommended to exercise regularly and take a warm bath to relax the muscles of the lower body.

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The articles on the site contain general information which may contain errors. These articles should in no way be considered as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any questions or doubts, always make an appointment with your doctor or gynecologist.

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