all about menstrual disorders

All About Period Disorders

Period disorders

Every menstrual cycle, the endometrium (uterine wall) prepares to accommodate a fetus. If fertilization does not take place, the body naturally eliminates the endometrium during the menstrual cycle. Although some women go through their menstrual cycles easily without too much trouble, others, on the contrary, feel a myriad of symptoms. Whether it is heavy or light periods, prolonged periods or periods too far apart, these symptoms significantly disrupt a woman's life. Those irregularities that occur during the cycle then indicate a rules disorder.

Different Period Disorders

La regulation of the menstrual cycle depends on the complex exchanges between hormones that regulate the timing of menstruation. These interactions notably control the start of menstruation at puberty (menarche), the rhythm and duration of menstrual cycles during breeding period and end of period at menopause. Anything that upsets this balance can lead to menstrual disorders. Significant differences in the cycle frequency, to longer term, ou flow intensity are considered as menstrual disorders. In particular, the following problems are found:

Period Frequency Disorders

  • La menorrhagia is the medical term for menstruation accompanied by heavy bleeding for a prolonged period.
  • Pollakimenorrhea is a disorder characterized by an increased frequency of periods.
  • Spaniomenorrhea refers to a decrease in the frequency of menstrual cycles and spaced periods.
  • Amenorrhea (primary or secondary) which designates the total absence of rules.

Period Duration Disorders

  • Polymenorrhea is a term used to describe a shorter menstrual cycle (less than 21 days) resulting in an increased frequency of periods.
  • THEoligomenorrhea is used to designate a large menstrual cycle (more than 35 days) resulting in infrequent periods.

Period Intensity Disorders

  • THEhypermenorrhea indicates excessive periods.
  • THEhypomenorrhea refers to scanty or very light periods.
  • The bleeding refers to bleeding of uterine origin outside of menstruation.
  • The menometrorrhagia correspond to excessive bleeding during and outside of menstruation.

Physical / Mental Disorders

  • Dysmenorrhea (primary or secondary) refers to menstrual pain.
  • Le premenstrual syndrome (PMS) presents a wide variety of unpleasant or uncomfortable symptoms during your cycle: fatigue, irritability, depression, mood swings…
  • Le premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) refers to a severe form of premenstrual syndrome.

Causes And Symptoms Of Menstrual Disorders

menstrual disorders, causes and symptoms
    • Menorrhagia (Heavy And Prolonged Periods)

    La menorrhagia is one of the most common types of menstrual bleeding. It is characterized by a prolonged menstrual bleeding and excessively abundant at regular intervals of the menstrual cycle. In some cases, the bleeding is accompanied by abdominal pain that can interfere with activities of daily living. The most common forms are the polymenorrhea (too frequent rules), theoligomenorrhea (infrequent periods), the postmenopause (periods after menopause) and metrorrhagia (bleeding between periods).

    The causes the most common of menorrhagia:

    • Hormonal imbalance
    • Uterine fibroids
    • Pregnancy
    • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
    • Tumours, infections or polyps in the pelvic cavity
    • Intrauterine devices (IUDs)
    • Blood disorders
    • High levels of endothelin or prostaglandins

    The main signs and symptoms menorrhagia may include:

    • Frequent need to change sanitary pads during the day
    • Periods that last longer than 7 days
    • Restrictions in everyday life from heavy menstrual flow
    • A risk of anemia (fatigue, shortness of breath, etc.)
    • Dysmenorrhea (Severe Pain During Menstruation)

    La dysmenorrhea is a menstruation disorder characterized by menstrual pain and cramps severe before or during menstruation. The cause of dysmenorrhea depends on whether it is primary or secondary. In the case of the primary dysmenorrhea, a woman experiences unusual uterine contractions due to hormonal imbalance. The secondary dysmenorrhea is usually associated with medical conditions like endometriosis.

    The causes known to the dysmenorrhea are uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, tumors or infections of the pelvic cavity and abnormal pregnancies. This menstrual disorder is more common in women who smoke, have a family history of painful periods, drink heavily, or started menstruating at an early age.

    The main symptoms of this period disorder are:

    • Pain or cramps in the lower abdomen
    • Pain in the lower back and legs
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Dizziness
    • Headaches
    • Amenorrhea (Absence Of Periods)

    L'amenorrhea is a menstrual disorder characterized by complete lack of rules more than three cycles. This absence of menstruation is normal before puberty, after menopause and during pregnancy. There are two types of amenorrhea:primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea. In the case of primary amenorrhea is diagnosed when you reach the age of 16 without having had your period. We are talking secondary amenorrhea when your period suddenly stops for three months or more after you had regular periods before.

    The causes of amenorrhea that women may experience are usually related to biological and hormonal changes throughout life such as breastfeeding, pregnancy or menopause. A problem in the hormone regulation by the endocrine system is often the cause of primary amenorrhea. It can also occur as a result of taking medications or health problems, such as:

    • Obesity
    • Dysfunction of the ovaries
    • eating disorder
    • Congenital abnormality
    • Thyroid disorder
    • Excessive physical exercise
    • Stress

    In addition to the absence of rules, you can also show the signs other symptoms associates:

    • Hair loss
    • Headaches
    • Vision disturbances
    • Excess hair
    • Pelvic pain
    • Acne

    As for all menstrual disorders, early diagnosis and treatment by a healthcare professional is necessary.


    • Hypermenorrhea And Hypomenorrhea (Too Much Or Light Periods)

    causes heavy periods hypermenorrhea

    L'hypermenorrhea usually refers to heavy periods see excessive. Only a specialist can diagnose this period disorder because any increase in menstrual flow is not necessarily related to a hypermenorrhea.

    The causes of the'hypermenorrhea are varied depending on whether it is an isolated event or a symptom of other diseases. The most common causes are:

    • Uterine fibroids
    • Pregnancy
    • Blood disorders
    • Pelvic congestion syndrome
    • Uterus cancer

    When you suffer fromhypermenorrhea with heavy periods, you might feel the symptoms following:

    • Frequent need to change periodic protections
    • Pain in the abdomen
    • Tiredness (anemia)
    • Fever
    • Pelvic infection


    • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

    premenstrual syndrome pain

    Le premenstrual syndrome is a symptom uncomfortable and very unpleasant that women feel during their menstrual cycle. Symptoms can last from a few hours to several days, and their intensity varies from woman to woman. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a much more serious form of premenstrual syndrome that affects about 5% of women of childbearing age.

    The causes The exact causes of premenstrual syndrome are still unknown, however several factors may contribute. Indeed, the premenstrual syndrome seems to be caused by fluctuating hormone levels especially progesterone and estrogen which then influence certain brain chemicals.

    The list of symptoms potentials of premenstrual syndrome is long but most women will only experience a few of these signs. Although these symptoms may vary from person to person, they usually appear a few days before menstruation and disappear at the start of menstruation or soon after. Simple lifestyle changes can help reduce or eliminate the severity of symptoms. The most common are:

    • Headaches
    • Psychological symptoms (depression, anxiety, irritability)
    • Water retention
    • Skin or vision problems
    • Dizziness
    • Infections
    • Spasms
    • Allergies
    • Appetite changes
    • Decreased libido
        • Menometrorrhagia And Metrorrhagia (bleeding outside the rules)

        La menometrorrhagia is a period disorder marked by uterine bleeding abnormally abundant, prolonged and irregular can lead to anemia if left untreated. Women with this disorder typically bleed more than 80ml during a menstrual cycle.

        La menometrorrhagia may be the sign of some causes, especially :

        • Hormonal imbalance
        • Absence of ovulation
        • Endometriosis
        • Tumors or fibroids
        • Cancer

        The symptoms abnormal uterine bleeding leading to menometrorrhagia vary depending on the cause, but may include:

        • Heavy bleeding during menstruation
        • Change of tampons, sanitary napkins or period panties every hour.
        • Periods that last longer than normal
        • Irregular menstrual cycles
        • Bleeding that occurs between periods or after sex.

        La metrorrhagia is a disorder usually associated with abnormal bleeding that occurs between the rules and which is not associated with the menstrual cycle. Although the bleeding comes from the uterus as with menstruation, it does not correspond to your usual menstrual cycle.

        There are many causes potential bleeding but in most cases the hormone level plays a key role. It can be caused by several factors:

        • Hormonal imbalance
        • Contraceptive pill
        • Menarche and menopause
        • Pregnancy
        • Fibroma
        • Infection
        • Stress

        When bleeding occurs outside the period planned, the symptoms associated with the metrorrhagia are the following :

        • Bleeding between periods or more than 7 days
        • Excessive change of periodic protection
        • Abdominal pain
        • Back pain
        • Vaginal discharge

        Which Periodic Protection For Period Disorders?

        The period panties consist of multi-layered technology absorbing rules and humidity to allow you to move freely and comfortably without any leaks or discomfort. With an extra-wide absorbent inner liner that runs from back to front, you can wear all your favorite clothes with confidence!

        The Benefits of Period Panties

        The period panties are ultra comfortable, eco-friendly, reusable and free of harmful chemicals. They make it possible to put an end completely to the periodic protections usual such as tampons or sanitary napkins. They are one best alternative for you and for the environment and will save you a lot of money on period products.

        Period Panties for menstrual disorders
        Discover our period panties

        Menstrual Disorders Treatment

        If you have a menstrual disorder, feel free to talk about your symptoms with your doctor or gynecologist. They can help you determine the type of period disorder you are suffering from in order to offer you the most suitable treatment for your situation.

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        1 comment

        Very interesting and enriching, but I would have liked if possible to speak later on pollakimenorrhea in a specific way in order to learn more. Thanks very much


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        The articles on the site contain general information which may contain errors. These articles should in no way be considered as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any questions or doubts, always make an appointment with your doctor or gynecologist.

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